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Clayoo | Organic Modeling (E)
Clayoo | Organic Modeling (E)
Clayoo | Organic Modeling (E)
Clayoo | Organic Modeling (E)
Clayoo | Organic Modeling (E)

Clayoo | Organic Modeling (E)

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Clayoo is a freeform and organic modeling plugin for Rhino. With SubD, Emboss, Sculpt, and Grasshopper compatibility, making it the right choice to raise the bar. Below some of the best features of Clayoo;

  • SubD Compatible: Similar to modeling with clay, SubD allows you to create organic 3D designs, however complex, with easy-to-use NURBS and T-Splines compatible tools.
  • Grasshopper Integrated: Clayoo components are 100% compatible with Grasshopper. Create your own generative designs with parametric components, which are easy to edit and modify.
  • Emboss / Relief: Use Emboss technology to design in 2D, add vectors, and create 3D relief modeling. Add texture and emboss your piece while creating a digital relief for a stunning 3D profile model directly from curves.
  • Sculptural Modeling: Clayoo Sculpt includes easy-to-use brushes and tools to digitally sculpt on any kind of object. Remove traditional modeling limits.
License Type Permanent License
Customer Group Corporate/Personal
Operating System Windows OS (Microsoft)
Billing To Individual/Company
Licensing By Electronic Mail (to end-user)
Version 2.6
Multi Use None
Language English
Reseller Discount Applicable

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