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3D Model marketplace has been dominated by polygon mesh geometries and there were number of reasons for that. (until now) Being widely used in many industries - such as Marine, Jewelry, Furniture, Architecture or even Aviation - for design, visualization, engineering and production purposes, Rhino deserves the most diverse and yet clean 3D Model Library above all. Evolved on top of this idea, we are happy to announce that the 2-year of work, 3D Model Library for Rhinoceros is ready!  

Already hosting around 3000 native Rhino 3D models, the library soon will evolve into Rhino 3D Model Marketplace. The future plans of the Marketplace is to categorize models by “Design” and “Generic” models and integrate the library with parametric environment to use the stong side of Rhino and give any visitor the chance to order the actual product. 

In addition to the Lighting, Architecture, Kitchen, Military and Technology categories at the beginning, we will also unlock Textures category. A large number of models of two different types, FREE and PRO, will be listed in our library, and you will be able to download 3 FREE models per day, after you become a member. If the number of daily downloads is not enough, you can subscribe to our site with a PRO membership and increase your daily FREE model download limit.

You can access the Model Library categories from the Navigation Column on the HOME PAGE and all other pages. Please share your comments from our social media accounts and we will include more in the library.

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